MTi-300 AHRS

The MTi-300 is our highest-performing Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS). Its sensors and sensor fusion algorithm deliver data on drift-free roll, pitch and true North-referenced yaw. The superior, vibration-rejecting gyroscopes – part of the entire MTi 100-series – guarantee high-quality acceleration, and orientation data, even in challenging environments.

The MTi-300 is a high-performing Attitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS). It features vibration-rejecting gyroscopes and offers high-quality inertial data, even in challenging environments. The MTi-300 supports optimized temperature calibration, high-frequency outputs, and has configurable output settings for synchronization with any third-party device.

Technical Specifications

Sensor Fusion Performance

  • Roll, pitch
    0.2 deg RMS
  • Yaw/Heading
    1 deg RMS
  • Position
    Strapdown Integration (SDI): Yes

Sensing Components

  • Gyroscope
    Standard full range: 450 deg/s
    In-run bias stability: 10 deg/h
    Noise density: 0.01 º/s/√Hz
  • Accelerometer
    Standard full range: 20g
    In-run bias stability: 15 µg
    Noise density: 60 µg/√Hz
  • Magnetometer



System Specifications

  • Mechanical
    IP-rating (equivalent): IP67
    Dimensions: 57×41.90×23.60 mm
    Weight: 55 grams
  • Electrical
    Input voltage: 3V3, 4.5V-34V
    Power consumption: 520 mW
  • Interfaces/IO
    Interfaces: USB, RS232, RS422, UART
    Protocols: Xbus, ASCII (NMEA)
    Output frequency: up to 2kHz