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SI-COLO Reflex Color Sensors
The color sensors of the SI-COLO3 and SI-COLO4 series operate with the 3-color-range method. As a light source they use pulsed white-light LEDs, the luminescence color sensors use UV LEDs. Modulation is done with 30 kHz or 100 kHz, respectively, and the lock-in-technology guarantees an extremely high insensitivity to outside light. A triple receiver for the RED, GREEN, and BLUE content of the light reflected from the target is used as a receiver.
The SI-COLO3 color sensor can be “taught” up to 15 colors, whereas the SI-COLO4 color sensor can be “taught” up to 31 colors. Tolerances can be set for every taught color. In X/Y INT or s/i M mode the tolerances represent a color cylinder in space. In X/Y/INT or s/i/M mode the tolerance represents a color sphere in space. Color evaluation according to s/i M and s/i/M uses the Lab calculation method.
Color detection either operates continuously or is started by means of an external SPC trigger signal. The respective detected color either is output as binary code at the 4 digital outputs (in case of SI-COLO3) or at the 5 digital outputs (in case of SI-COLO4), or it can be sent directly to the outputs, if only up to 4 colors (SI-COLO3) or 5 colors (SI-COLO4) are to be detected. Simultaneously the detected color code is visualised at the SI-COLO3 housing by means of 4 LEDs respectively at the SI-COLO4 housing by means of 5 LEDs. Furthermore, the colors can be taught by means of a TEACH button at the sensor housing.
Various types of color sensors were specifically designed for the respective applications, so that for example in case of high gloss objects the color also can be detected with highest reliability by using polarisation filters (type -POL). The compact optical-fiber versions with corresponding optical attachment units (type -FIO) are ideal for applications with limited available space for installation. If, on the other hand, the application requires an operating distance of 1000 mm, this can be covered by a version with integrated optical unit and super-bright ring lighting (type -FCL).
SI-COLO-GD: Special sensors for color gloss detection:
The SI-COLO-GD color gloss sensor detects both the color and the gloss of an object. The color and gloss information of an object hereinafter is referred to as a vector. A surface only is recognised if its vector data match a previously taught teach vector.
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