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TCI Multi Lineside Controller
Crane Electronics are proud to offer the TCI Multi – Lineside Controller. The TCI (Tool Control Interface) Multi allows the user to connect up to five wrenches to be used in assembly production. The WrenchStar Multi can be connected to the TCI Multi at the push of a button.
The TCI Multi allows easy management, set up and diagnostics of itself via web browsers. The TCI Multi lineside controller can be used stand alone and jobs can be selected and results sent to a PC or web page. The unit accepts Open Protocol commands via Ethernet to select a ‘Job’ to use with the WrenchStar Multi.
The TCI Multi has a web status page that allows Ethernet properties, RF properties, logging of messages, and the wrench status to be monitored. The web page mirrors the last torque and angle readings from the wrench plus its torque status (LO, OK and HI). LED lights show real-time status of the individual wrench connections on the unit.
Connection of up to 5 Crane transducers is also possible using the Rfm wireless connection device.
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