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In their latest articles, StrainBlogTM discusses evaluating the effectiveness of VSR, medal metals and pushrod load measurements to improve racecar performance.
In a recent blogpost, StrainBlogTM explains that Vibratory Stress Relief (VSR) is a technique used on vibration equipment to excite a part at a specific resonant frequency so that the working residual stresses are reduced whilst enhancing the service life of the part tested. Furthermore, StrainBlogTM explains that Le Quy Don Technical University conducted experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of VSR whereby the measuring the effectiveness of before and after residual stresses are described as the most challenging of the effectiveness.
To evaluate the effectiveness of VSR, researchers from the Le Quy Don Technical University used the RS-200 residual stress measuring system in conjunction with Micro-Measurements® strain gages to perform the hole drilling method – the established method (ASTM E837) for determining residual stress magnitude. StrainBlogTM explains that this method requires a small hole to be drilled into the part to relieve residual strains whereby the strains are sensed using specifically designed strain gages bonded around the hole.
The researchers from the Le Quy Don Technical University measured the residual stress of various parts including large gears, shafts and machine foundations to determine the effectiveness of relieving stresses of these parts.
StrainBlogTM states that the research team at Le Quy Don Technical University concluded that the RS-200 residual stress measuring system in conjunction with Micro-Measurements® strain gages were accurate and efficient in measuring relieved strains.
In another post, StrainBlogTM describes elite athletes competing in the Olympics as “professional” strain gages because they are required to perform under stressful conditions constantly.
StrainBlogTM explains that like Olympians, strain gages face many obstacles that they need to overcome and train and “educate” themselves to control as many stresses they come across. In other words, StrainBlogTM emphasizes that to be a strain gage “winner” follow the right procedures including:
Surface preparation
Environmental protection
This ensures that the strain gage is performing at its best!
In another more recent blog post, StrainBlogTM describes how the 015-16 Michigan State University’s Formula Racing Team investigated dynamic loading on the tires of their race cars. As such, they collected “real-life” data using Micro-Measurements® foil strain sensors bonded to the pushrod with a protective heat shrink over the strain sensor.
These sensors enabled the team to analyse the axial loads on the tire surface allowing the team to to tune the suspension as well as optimize the performance of the car.
To read the complete case study, click here
*All images are curtsy of the StrainBlogTM
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To read more on the strain gage applications, follow the link to the StrainBlogTM
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