Gas Pedal Robot

The compact gas pedal robot or sometimes called accelerator robot has been specifically developed by VEHICO for the needs of vehicle testing.

Gas Pedal Robot

The compact gas pedal robot or sometimes called accelerator robot has been specifically developed by VEHICO for the needs of vehicle testing. It allows the control of the gas pedal of handshift as well automatic vehicles. With its three control modes pedal position, vehicle velocity and vehicle distance the gas pedal robot offers a wide range of possible applications for vehicle testing. User-defined trajectories can be assigned for each control mode and can be replayed during the test run with the highest precision and reproducibility even in most different cars. Switching between the three control modes is of course possible also within a test run. As for all VEHICO robots we attached great importance to a short setup time and an intuitional operation

The VEHICO Gas Pedal Robot offers the following features

  • easy and fast adaptability
    The VEHICO accelerator robot is universally adaptable to different vehicles and simultaneously quickly to install. An automatic referencing calibrates the specific pedal travel within seconds. The accelerator robot is suitable for standing as well as hanging pedals.
  • driver can always override pedal
    The vehicle can be driven manually nearly non-constrained. A driver can override the gas pedal at any time.
  • maximum range of motion also for test drivers with big feet
    Thanks to the on top mounting of the compact drive unit the footwell area between driver’s seat and gas pedal remains completely free. The range of motion in the footwell area stays nearly unimpaired.
  • velocity and distance control
    Control of the pedal position is naturally the basic functionality. The extensive performance of the gas pedal robot appears not before it is operated in the velocity or the distance control mode. While testing with a second vehicle, the distance can be controlled with highest precision, regardless of whether the own car runs behind, in front or beside the target vehicle. Also parallel driving, crossing, overtaking or cutting in is feasible. In combination with the VEHICO steering robot and the automatic track control you have all options for testing advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
  • OBD2 Interface
    Likewise all robots the VEHICO accelerator robot is equipped with an OBD2 interface. With this you are conveniently enabled to use the cars own velocity signal for the velocity control and can abandon an external sensor.
  • combinable with all VEHICO steering and brake robots
    The gas pedal robot is combinable with all VEHICO steering and brake robots. All driving robots can be operated together from one common webinterface, they can run synchronized between each other and the logged data is merged.

Installation on top of the accelerator pedal

The drive unit gets attached on top of the vehicle’s accelerator pedal. This mounting approach is characterised by an especially quick and easy assembly. The pedals own restoring force is not affected by the low weight of the drive. While the unit is clamped on the pedal only a suitable counter bearing for the wire rope must be created beneath the pedal. The operation of the pedal remains still possible even with installed pedal drive unit. The driver simply steps on the drive from above and pushes the pedal down.

Other features

  • connect any sensors on freely configurable CAN interface with dbc file import
  • different CAN signals may be computed with each other, e.g. to calculate a TTC (time to collision) value out of distance and speed
  • decoupling from the automotive electrical system possible
  • system controller has its own UPS
  • robust, passively cooled microcontroller technology
  • no software installation required
  • extremely compact and lightweight design
  • for vehicles with manual and automatic transmission

Technical Data

interfaces CAN, LAN, RS232, Digital In, Digital Out
power supply vehicle on-board power 11-15V DC
max. operation speed 110 cm/s
max. operation force
300 N
weight per drive
0.6 kg
resolution of pedal position 0.02 mm

Range of Application

  • all tests which need an accurately controlled vehicle speed
  • EuroNCAP AEB city, inter urban and pedestrian testing
  • analysis acceleration characteristics
  • iInvestigation of the drive or braking system
  • application of step, ramp or sinusoidal stimulation to the accelerator
  • investigations concerning acceleration characteristics while turning (in combination with the VEHICO steering robot)

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